Friday, May 14, 2010

Big Foot gets Shoes

Before I came to Korea, I was vaguely aware that I have very large feet in comparison to Korean women. I shrugged off suggestions from my friends that I would not be able to buy shoes, assuming that in a city of this magnitude, there would be at least one shoe shop that would stock UK size eights. Huge, I know.

My friends were wrong. In a way. There are 'big size' shoe shops in Itaewon. However, the shoes have possibly been there since the 90s. They are not stylish or pretty. The shops are also tiny cupboards in basements. So, overall, it is not a great shopping experience. Now, I order online from Topshop, Office and Asos. Much to my excitement, I received these sandals this week.

And, I would like these boots for winter.

The only problem is the shipping. Three weeks is far too long to wait! Oh well, the problems of having big feet in Korea.

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